The 11 Worst Job Search Tips Ever

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There are a thousand job search tips from different sources, and you believe these are the only ways to secure a job. Eighty percent of them are crappy ideas that should be disregarded if you truly want to land your dream job. When searching for jobs, you need to think outside the box, and do things that will distinguish you among other job seekers. It is beneficial to join networking groups to get the latest information on available jobs, but when it comes to the steps to take to land that long awaited job, avoid listening to tips that will ruin your chances. We have gathered the 11 worst job search tips to avoid at all costs when seeking employment.

1. Volunteer to work for an organization

You will hear this from people all the time. They believe working for free is a good way to secure a job. When you work for free for a while, your employer will be able to see your worth and offer you a full-time position. Sticking to this idea means you are not sure of the value you are going to add to the organization, and most employers see it as lack of confidence in your own ability. Anything free means it lacks value. When your employer starts to see it this way, your chances of getting hired are gone.

2. Write a standard resume that matches what the employers want

Don’t be predictable when drafting your resume. A majority of the resumes you see today are filled with similar words that most employers are sick and tired of reading. For example, statements like “result oriented with the motivation to learn new skills.” This statement should be ignored because they make you sound like someone who is just applying to fulfil basic requirements.

3. Stay glued to your computer and fill as many applications as possible

Most job seekers think spending all day in front of their laptops or computers is the perfect way to land their dream job. This is not true. You can spend just one hour doing it right and get a job, while another person that has been on their computer for the entire day will still struggle to secure a job. The main point here is to do the right thing: search for jobs that match your credentials, fill the application form in a professional way and boom! You will get called for an interview.

4. Oblige anything a recruiter asks of you

The fact that you are searching for job doesn’t make you a zombie; you are not any less important than the recruiter. Carry yourself with high self-esteem and never look down on yourself because you are trying to get employed. For example, if you are asked questions regarding your salary expectations, don’t be too hasty to give them a reply. Take your time to think it over and make sure you give them an answer in a confident way. A job seeker who thinks they lack value will be comfortable with whatever amount is presented to them, even if it is a lowball offer way below their worth.

5. Apply for jobs in which you have some qualifications

People will tell you to apply for a job if you have some qualifications for it. This is the reason why you hear job seekers saying they have applied for several jobs but haven’t received a single invitation for interview. It is because they barely meet the requirements for the job. Don’t spend all day applying for jobs for which you are not qualified. Get engaged in other useful tasks that will add to your value. The number of high quality applications you send out is what matters most, not the number of semi-qualified applications.

6. Don’t make your interviewer angry

It is obviously good to be polite and nice when being interviewed, but keep in mind your life is not tied to a particular job. Stop feeling as if what you say may anger your interviewer. This is not true. If they get angry, remember there are other opportunities out there.

7. Make your resume as broad as you can

If you make your resume broad and add irrelevant information, it will show you are unsure about what you want. Know exactly what you want, and take a chance when you are presented with an opportunity. Stop wasting your time applying for jobs that will not utilize your skills, or ones you are clueless about. “Try your luck” should not be your priority, because only 5 of every 100 job seekers succeed in doing this. Focus on your skills and improve on them to increase your chances of getting a decent job that meets your expectations.

8. Be mute and sit meekly on the chair during interview

What the heck kind of advice is this? Do you know what this will portray to the interviewer? It will demonstrate you are doubtful of your abilities, and that you have nothing to add to the organization. Talk to your interviewer with courage, ask questions if you are unsure about something and sit with a confident posture instead of a stiff and uncomfortable position.

9. If you are offered a salary that is different from what you and your manager agreed on, accept it anyway so you don’t miss out

This is terrible advice to follow as a job seeker. Don’t be afraid to speak out when something is going in the wrong direction. You are not valued and respected in an organization because you accept whatever is presented to you; you are valued because you know what you want and will speak up when things are not properly handled. View yourself as an important person, and challenge whatever is not right. Just make sure to do it in a polite manner.

10. Grab any job opportunity that comes your way because jobs are difficult to find

As desperate as you may be to find work, you don’t want to get involved in a job you have no passion for. Life is too short to waste your time doing something that doesn’t please you. Accepting an offer that doesn’t fit your passion may give you a false sense of security that you are now employed, and don’t have to look for a job again. Don’t be blinded by your first job; there will always be opportunities waiting for you, and they could be far better suited to you.

11. Ignore your instincts when searching for a job

There are some people who are not meant to work for certain employers, but they ignore their instincts and continue looking for jobs that are way below their level. Don’t belittle yourself by stooping low in your search for a job when you know you have the potential to create a job for yourself.

It is time we started doing away with some of the old-fashioned styles of job hunting. Remember, when one door closes, another opens; don’t act like your whole life depends on one, single job.

Are you tired of getting tips for how to effectively search for a job? Leave a comment below to tell us about the bad job hunting advice you have been given.

Publicado 7 agosto, 2017


Freelance Journalist & Reporter

Alice is a Community Correspondent at She drifts between London & Sydney.

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