Freelancer: Anohreul
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To Infinity and Beyond Upgrade 3

Studied up to improve it that little smidgen more. Hopefully it is now more acceptable than ever. See video here:

Participación en el concurso Nro.30 para                                                 Create an Animation for our company product 2015
Participación Nro. 30

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  • fmp
    Organizador del concurso
    • 9 años atrás

    it is good up to the 11sec then not so good. Then the closing at 18seconds is good again

    • 9 años atrás
    1. Anohreul
      • 9 años atrás

      Woah that's some really specific feedback. Awesome. Thanks, will be working on it for the home stretch.

      • 9 años atrás
    2. Anohreul
      • 9 años atrás

      Btw, see #31 for the updated version

      • 9 años atrás
  • fmp
    Organizador del concurso
    • 9 años atrás

    I like the intro. However the transition to when it gets super powers is off. Since it has not yet gotten the superpowers, perhaps we can have something of what is now, then flash to superhero, then back to normal, then back to superhero, then back to normal. Meanwhile the bubble around it or cloud where the superpowers are being given

    • 9 años atrás